There is Space

I was sitting on the couch playing Crossy Road (super spiritual, right?) and listening to a worship playlist when a song called “Space” by Mack Brock came on. And it really touched me. Some of the lyrics are, “Come as you are, come as you want, you are safe to bring every part, to be who you are.” I don’t know what your experience with Christianity is like, but sometimes to me, it has come across as inauthentic. Too religious. Too fake. And to be honest, maybe it’s just me perceiving it that way. But it sometimes feels that I’m not permitted to be a human being with passions, feelings, hopes, desires, irritability, etc. It feels like I have to be… fake. Ingenuine. Like I have to put on an act every time I’m going to God. Say the right things, feel the right things. And there was just something about that song, as well as a reading I did today in the book of Daniel, that told me otherwise.

Christianity was never meant to be much of a religion. It was always meant to be human beings living as they were created to- authentically, passionately, creatively, and most of all, lovingly, alongside God. We were meant to feel things, and to experience life, not as robots doing rituals, but as true people made from dust, and given a breath of life that we were meant to use to breathe life into other things.

We don’t have to be fake, or religious, around God. We can be honest. I think he wants that from us. Cause it was always about the heart with God. Not the actions. Not the words. And the heart is a very emotional part of us. It’s the truest part of us, actually. And part of that includes what we feel and want. To deny those things exist is to live a lie. And God doesn’t want us to live a lie. Now, don’t get me wrong. Sometimes we have to deny ourselves what we desire, because they have been corrupted and can cause harm. My point in writing all of this isn’t to say “do whatever you want”, rather, to just be honest about who you are and what you feel, and bring it to Jesus if it’s something you need help with. I hope this is all making sense and coming across okay.

I want to encourage y’all to listen to “Space” by Mack Brock, and let your true, honest self come fully to Jesus. The parts you love. The parts you hate. The parts you have been trying to rid yourself of. All of you. There is space. There is grace. And there is love.

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